
Popular coin storage service, Dogewallet, was apparently hacked of 30 million coins, together worth between $10,000 and 20,000.

Dogecoin, a new cryptocurrency based on Bitcoin and the popular 'doge' meme, was created initially as a joke "without much real thought." Investors at Dogecoin forums have been dismayed to find that they had lost actual money.

One investor said:
I used dogewallet to give doges to my parents as a christmas gift. I really cannot afford to replace them.
After users began reporting losing up to one million coins at a time, Dogewallet's creators brought down the site and posted the following explanation in the forums:
We found many reports of Dogewallet transactions being sent to 'DQT9WcqmUyyccrxQvSrjcFCqRxt8eVBLx8'. We're currently looking at logs and have found thousands of attempts to hack our systems.

Specifically, the attack originated from the hacker gaining access to our filesystem and modifying the send/receive page to send to a static address. We're currently reviewing logs for information. The site is shut down right now.
It's quite unfortunate that some users lost hundreds of actual dollars, but it's kinda hard to feel really bad for people who decided to invest in a grammatically incorrect internet dog.

[ ,Twitter, Buzzfeed]