According to a new survey, the average lady needs to go through at least 15 guys, two long-term relationships, endure four disaster dates, and one heartbreak before she finally meets the right man.


The study of 2,000 Brits who say they have already met 'The One' found that women will also go on seven dates as well as a further two blind dates and two dates with someone they met over the internet.

In comparison, guys will go through an average of ten sexual partners in their lives, rack up at least six one-night stands, before finally deciding to settle down with someone.

The findings come from a study commissioned as promo for the paperback edition of The Rosie Project, which is a book about a dude looking for the perfect woman to get married to.

This whole thing seems based on the idea that love is practically a matter of fate, when we all know that it just doesn't actually work that way. So don't despair if you don't fit in with the statistics, because desperation is definitely not going to do you any favors in the dating department.

[The Telegraph]