
Here's a concept demo from Israeli software developer Infinity AR and they show how augmented reality + dating can make digging up too much information about someone else a tad bit creepy.

The video below is about dating in the future. Flip ahead to 1:35, and you’ll watch as a hypothetical Glass wearer meets a pretty bartender.

Her Facebook profile pops up immediately and it is accompanied by the fact that she's a Gemini. Conversation gets struck, woman is smitten.

The voice analyzer goes on to measure her interest in him in real time, and with the help of socially connected wearable tech, he friends her on Facebook immediately.

The concept of it sounds pretty good. You get to check people out, and are assured they're not creeps. But the whole act itself is sort of creepy too. The core experience of Facebook stalking should be done in the confines of private rooms, not immediately on the spot!

Would the future look something like this?