Remember back in 2011 when a lady named Amy Chua became big online for penning a scathing article about "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior". Apparently, she's back with a new book to tell you how you've all been raising your kids wrong.


Back then, the Yale professor and "Tiger Mom" had argued that strict parenting was the only way to prevent your kid from becoming a massive failure.  And now, she's back to torment parents across the globe with a new book titled 'The Triple Package' which is authored by her husband, Jed Rubenfeld.

In the book, Chua claims there are eight groups of people superior to all others: Chinese, Cuban exiles, Indians, Iranians, Jews, Lebanese-Americans, Mormons, and Nigerians.

The book lists three reasons on why these eight groups reign over everyone else in the world. Mainly, it has to do with superiority complexes, insecurity, and impulse control.

The book has barely been out, and already people are expecting the worse. It's more likely that Chua is just trying to stretch whatever is left of her 15 minutes of internet fame by getting normal parents mad at the insinuation that they aren't ruthless enough to raise good kids.