As hard as it is to believe, there are apparently worse things than suffering fro a penile fracture. Not many people are familiar with the the condition known as "penis captivus", which is a fancy way of describing someone's junk getting trapped in another person's snatch during sex.

And no, this has nothing to do with so called "black magic." Here's a scientific explanation on why it happens:
What... is likely to happen is that when the penis is within the vagina it becomes increasingly engorged. The muscles of the woman's pelvic floor contract rhythmically at orgasm... While those muscles contract, the penis becomes stuck and further engorged within [the vagina] until the muscles relax, blood can flow out... the penis... the penis starts to go down after orgasm and the man can withdraw. And whilst – I think the fascination is with the prospect of a couple struggling to separate themselves for many minutes, what actually happens is that they may find themselves in difficulty disengaging for maybe a few seconds – five seconds, ten seconds, and if you're in that situation that probably seems like an eternity rather than just five or ten seconds. Certainly I have heard this in my own practice, where it happens just for a few seconds.
For more on this terrifying condition, check out BBC Health Check.