
Sleep apnea is serious. It increases the risk of a heart attack and stroke. The treatment however is pretty uncomfortable. Patients have to wear a CPAP mask to bed. But new research in this week's New England Journal of Medicine is showing a new pacemaker like electronic implant that could reduce the symptoms by 70%.

The apnea device is implanted under the skin of the chest, and a sensor is placed between the fourth and fifth ribs to monitor breathing patterns. It will send a signal to the hypoglossal nerve with each breath. Patients use a remote control to turn the device on at bedtime, and switch it off when they get up.

126 patients fitted with the device found a reduced number of times patients slowed or stopped breathing by nearly 70%.

Sounds better than a device you have to wear while you sleep, but will you want to implant this inside of you? [New England Journal of Medicine via WSJ]