
Meet Bethany Mota, an 18-year old “haul video” superstar whose only claim to fame is that she loves to shop.

 This fresh graduate has been running her successful YouTube channel since Jun 2009, gaining more than 4.8 million subscribers (even more than Lady Gaga!). She also has a loyal fanbase which includes 2.2 million followers on Instagram. That's more than Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan COMBINED.

While her videos might seem to just involve her facing the camera while describing her latest shopping splurge, there's no denying that this teen has some serious influence on what teens are willing to spend their cash on. In an attempt to reach out to her fans, apparel fixture Aéropostale (ARO) has even decided to introduce a Bethany Mota-branded clothing and jewelry line.

According to this perky shopper, she first discovered YouTube’s beauty community after a friend started bullying her online:
“I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t want to leave my house,”

YouTube “was kind of an outlet for me to be myself and not really worry about what anyone thought.”
Mota declined to comment on her earnings, but estimates by several sources familiar with YouTube advertising suggest that she’s easily pulling down $40,000 a month from her videos alone.

And despite being so young, there's no denying that this teen is definitely going places in the world. While her shopping hauls remain her primary focus, she's also started creating videos on DIY crafts, hair and makeup tutorials, and interior decoration.

Be sure to read up the rest of her amazing story via Business Insider