
There has been a flood of smartwatches and fitness bands suggesting manufacturers are gearing up to make wearable tech the next big in thing. While every other company is hopping on the bandwagon, everyone is still seemingly waiting for Apple to announce their "iWatch".

Out of all of the iWatch concepts, Todd Ham's one could make a lot of sense. His concept calls for a wearable that resembles Nike's Fuelband, fused with iOS 7 elements. The concept would be as simple as an iPhone and would only have a home button and volume buttons.

Ham's design doesn't deviate from Apple's existing user interface. If you know how to use an iPhone, you won't have to relearn anything.

For now, no one knows how Apple's rumored iWatch would look like. The biggest hint of the type of smartwatch/smartband Apple is considering came from Apple CEO Tim Cook during last May's D11 Conference. Here's what he said when asked about it:
"I wear a Fuel Band…Nike did a great job. It’s integrated well with iOS. There are lots of wearables, but of the ones doing more than one thing, I haven’t seen anything great out there. Nothing that will convince a kid that’s never worn glasses or a band to wear one. Or I haven’t seen it…so lots of things to solve here. The area is ripe for exploration, and it’s ripe for us to get excited about. Lots of companies will be in this space."
Cook also added:
"I think the wrist is natural. I think there are other things in this space that could be interesting. Sensors are exploding." It will become clearer over time.
Could this mean, Apple's iWatch may look similar to the Fuelband? What do you think?

Todd Ham, via TNW
