Music videos are a visual-audio experience, but when you remove the music and replace it noises that might naturally be occurring in videos, the results can be... interesting.

The above clip for Prodigy's classic '90s video for "Firestarter"  was posted up by Mario Wienerroither, the creator of Music-Less Music Videos. He first came up with the idea after accidentally watching Queen's 'I Want to Break Free' on mute.

The process of scrubbing the music away wasn't too hard for this Vienna-based music producer and sound designer, who usually spends his days making music for commercials, television, movies, and computer games.

Wienerroither recorded everything by himself by using a Tascam recorder and experimenting with found sounds to find which ones work best in each scene. That's the most critical point besides the video-selection,” Wienerroither says, “because one inappropriate sound can ruin everything.”