Fashion is subjective and ever-changing, so some of the rules that applied back in the day might actually be crimping your style.


This was revealed in a recent Reddit men's fashion thread, which posed the question "what is bad clothing advice that people give?" And some the answers provided by the redditors might just surprise you. If you're following any of the rules mentioned below, it might be time to reevaluate your personal style:

1. "As long as the shirt fits at the collar, it's fine."

"I'm a small skinny guy with a bull neck and long arms," writes ericelectrik. "Chances are if it fits my arms and neck it doesn't fit my body."

2. "You have to own the perfect suit for a complete wardrobe."

No two people are alike, and it's impossible to create a wardrobe checklist that fits everyone. Evaluate your own lifestyle. If you rarely go to black-tie events, try renting your formal-wear instead.

3. "Dressing well means you have to be uncomfortable."

"A frumpy suit looks way worse than a well-fitting casual outfit like a hoodie and jeans," writes maxwellsays.

4. "Wearing larger clothing will make you look slim."

"A proper fit is what will make your body look more streamlined,"

5. "Fasten the bottom button of your suit jacket."

This helpful guide explains that you should fasten the top button sometimes, the middle button always, and the bottom button never.

6. "Men can wear suits anywhere. Always wear a suit."

"No, don't always wear a suit...don't be the jerk who shows up to a party in a suit when everyone else is wearing jeans and a t-shirt. You don't look cool—you look like a tool,"

7. "If you copy celebrity style, you'll look fashionable."

Celebrity style can actually look very out-of-place when you're hanging around normal people.

8. "Pants will start to fit once you wash them a few times."

Pants can shrink a little in the wash. But if your pants are overly baggy, spent a few dollars getting them tailored. You'll be happy you did.

9. "Buy once, buy for life."

"There's a time and place for that when you know what your style is. However, if you do this all the time when you're starting out you'll have a bunch of really nice stuff you never wear," he writes. "Plus, sometimes its fun to buy trendy items that you'll only really want to wear for a season."