
We keep hearing rumors of larger iPhones every year, but will this one hold true this time? The WSJ is now chiming in with reports that two iPhones are coming this year. One with a screen bigger than 4.5 inches and another with a screen bigger than 5 inches.

Both bigger iPhones will be clad in metal. The smaller of the two is apparently further in development and is currently being prepped for mass production. The larger of the two is still in earlier development, but still on track for release this year. Neither will feature curved screens.

The push for a bigger screened model isn't necessarily to compete with giant Android handsets in the U.S., but elsewhere in the world, where everyone is demanding for bigger screens. Will this help take Apple out of its funk and back into the game?

For now, these are still rumors, though a few have also reported larger screens coming from Cupertino since last year.

Do you want a bigger iPhone? I know I do. [WSJ]