Color has such an effect on us that we sometimes don't realize. Because images and colors are processed much quicker than words, they play a very important role in your conversion.

Color has also got a powerful role to play when it comes to persuading people to take action that you require. It can have an emotional effect on people and can affect the performance of what you need people to do.

In a 2011 research, people who were exposed to the color red reacted in greater speed. Other colors like blue seemed to prevent crime, while yellow seemed to often grab the attention of window shoppers instead.

The Emotional Effect of Colors
Every color on the wheel seems to evoke a different mood or feeling. Because of that, we can use them to emotionally build in triggers to our advantage.


  • Impulse shoppers respond best to red, black and royal blue. You’ll find these colors in fast food outlets, outlet malls and clearance sales – and they can work well as call to action buttons for impulse purchases.
  • Brands with a friendly, cheerful and confident brand personality will use orange in their corporate livery and on their websites: Fanta for example, is all about taking action, right now!
  • Looking to attract users who want stability and safety? Check out the brand colors of companies like American Express, Skype, and Pfizer and choose blue for your website. A call to action button in blue will be saying: lean on us; you can trust us; we will give you a reliable service. Navy blue catches the attention of shoppers on a budget.
Consider Skype and their colors. Which would you prefer:

