
Nothing lasts forever. The universe has an expiration date. But how will it get destroyed? Super smart folks have come up with three different theories on how that's going to happen: The Big Rip, Heat Death (or the Big Freeze) and the Big Crunch and Big Bounce.

Kurzgesagt put together a video to explain all the different theories.

The Big Rip is when the universe expands so fast gravity can't compensate and tears it apart. That means, space is expanding faster than the speed of light and no particle can interact with any other particle.

The Heat Death or Big Freeze is when gas clouds necessary to form stars will be exhausted and the universe will turn dark. We're either going to burn or freeze to death.

The Big Crunch and Big Bounce is a theory that is based on the possibility that if there is less dark energy out there, gravity will become the dominating force in the universe. That means the expansion of the universe will stop and reverse and galaxies will move inward creating a universe that is smaller and hotter.

Check out the video below: