
Ballmer's out, Satya Nadella is in. Microsoft's new boss is a change in personality. You can read Microsoft's official announcement here.

From Ballmer's boisterous, product pimping, chest thumping nature, Nadella is actually the opposite. he's a toned down engineer who cuts his teeth in Microsoft's enterprise wing. We're probably not going to get a "Developers, Developers" meme out of him either.

Nadella has built a reputation as something of a negotiator in the company and often helping competing divisions to get along as well as possible.

Nadella's primary focus is cloud power, a technology to bring disparate devices together. It could potentially be huge. It should be huge. Imagine off-site horsepower could help bestow processor-intensive superpowers on Windows Phones everywhere, turn Surfaces into supercomputers, spread Microsoft further and wide than it already is.

So what can we expect from Microsoft over the next few years? Probably more of the same, but a more consistent and unified Microsoft. Lets hope this guy can make it happen.