There is an app available for nearly any kind of romantic interaction you'll want to have. From dating apps, to tantric sex tips, you know you're well covered.

Now, meet Wingman, "an app that connects you with attractive people on your flight, all before you touch down."

Uhm. Woohoo!

Wingman is still in beta, but creator Gabe Whaley, a copywriter at Buzzfeed, says it works a lot like Tinder. He says that the difference is that Wingman includes information about the airline and flight a user is on as well. With this information, the app matches people up according to what flight they're on and allows them to start chatting with others nearby (via WiFi of course).

Whaley has, however, said he thought it was "incredibly unrealistic" that people will actually have sex on a plane because of his app, but the emphasis on Wingman is very much on the sexy secretive nature of it all:
