When Rachel Frederickson confidently strode on stage during this season's finale of The Biggest Loser, the jaws of everyone who were watching dropped to the floor.


The formerly 260lbs contestant had slimmed down to 105 lbs, losing about 60% of her body weight. Even the show's trainers were left stunned by her amazing transformation:

But is Rachel's shockingly svelte figure all that positive? Not quite. Medical professionals were quick to voice out their concerns on how Rachel's transformation might be sending out the wrong message, since losing so much weight in such a short amount of time can be quite dangerous. Others were more critical of the show for pushing contestants to unhealthy lengths in the name of getting more viewers.

And let's not forget all the horror stories about former contestants who either gained all the weight back after the show or developed an eating disorder.

But isn't this all just a matter of perspective? If Rachel's transformation manages to inspire more folks to get fit instead of just getting skinny, then why should everyone be so freaked out?