
In celebration of the Winter Games, Cosmopolitan magazine decided to tailor this month's issue to include some rather bizarre looking sex moves that not even the most flexible of Olympians would want to attempt.


Here's an excerpt from some of the ridiculously dangerous moves that have been included in the mag's SEX OLYMPICS section:
... have him enter from behind while he holds your legs at his sides, with VIP access to your G-spot. For a double (Axel) 0, reach down and stroke your clitoris. All O, no concussion? And the crowd goes wild!
We like to imagine the athletes mastering this during the notorious after-dark f*ckfest that is Olympian housing. Lie on your back and position your whole body upward, as if you were about to do a backbend. Then have him kneel (and thrust) between your legs. Since your head's below your heart, you'll have an intense head-rush orgasm. And he gets a vigorous thigh workout. You're officially champions of coitus.

1. Take a flying leap. 2. Land on his penis. 3. Win a gold medal! Have him push you up against a wall and grab you around the butt. Now leap up into his arms like you're soaring off a Sochi bluff, lock your legs around his waist, hold on to his shoulders for leverage, and get busy. Little-known Newton law of motion: up-against-a-wall sex is never not hot.
But seriously ladies, taking a flying leap in order to land on someone's dick is just asking for trouble.