You might not believe it, but both these pictures below are actually of the same person.


Meet Whitney Trope, a blogger and radio producer who grew up being a perfectly healthy, 125 pound girl. It was during college that Whitney suddenly gained 200 pounds in two years. She was later diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

As a dancer, Whitney said she was shocked to see how differently society treated her once she put on weight. The fact that she was already internalizing a lot of shame about her body since she was just ten years old certainly didn't help.

But instead of being ashamed of her size, Whitney has decided to embrace the term "fat" by setting up a No Body Shame Campaign. In an interview with RightThisMinute, she explains that while she does want to slim down to 250 pounds (because she can’t dance the way she wants to), she has no interest in being society’s definition of thin ever again:
I am learning to practice aggressive self-love. I have lived my life as a 130-pound woman and as a 350-pound woman in North America, in Europe, and in Asia. Cultural norms, societal pressures, and the whims of the fashion industry do not define my worth as woman or a human being. My intelligence, personality, talents, and contributions do not fluctuate with the numbers on a scale. I am unwaveringly me at any size and I’m learning constructive and pro-active ways to help shape my ideals and the ideals of the world I live in. Do it with me?
Here's hoping that Whitney achieves her dream. Check out her amazing moves in clip below: