
Wished you had better vision than you currently have? A new app is promising to help you attain it. Called UltimEyes, it was designed by neuroscientists who were thinking of ways to help baseball players see better.

The scientists recruited 19 players from the University of California, and had them use the app for 30 25-minute intervals. The app will get subjects to identify various blurry grey blobs.

After the experiment, the players were indeed able to see farther by an average of 31 percent. Nine of them even had their vision improved to the level of 20/7.5. That means they can see clearly at 20 feet what normal people would see clearly at 7.5 feet.

The app takes advantage of the brain's abilities. It can be trained to work better, and this is known as neuroplasticity. Their brains just got better at processing visual information.

The app is available for download. It costs $6, all for some superpowers. Why not. [Cell via Popular Mechanics]