
Google Glass is about to get better looking, but they're not the only ones. Icis, a new Glass rival aims to provide more advanced augmented reality features without attracting the unwanted attention you get when wearing Google Glass.

Laforge Optical founder and CEO Corey Mack thinks Google Glass isn't stylish enough. Isis, is a pair of regular looking glasses with the aim of masking its extra-technological capabilities.

It can bring up information by overlaying them over real-world objects using augmented reality. It is served up by a connected smartphone and like Glass, it is operated with swipes and taps on the side touchpad.

Speaking with CNET, Mack says he thinks wearables are better when they're undetectable. Of course, there's the issue of privacy too.
"There is no light that comes on with these when you are being filmed. We felt that a light would be overkill and that people would think that they would be getting scanned. Additionally, if I were in a crowded bar or walking down the street I wouldn't know how many cell phone cameras and police cameras were looking at me anyway. I like to look at the upsides of having a camera like this on board. Think of how many people who were wrongly convicted of crimes would not be in jail right now or how much more abuse of police power would be exposed."
Most people would think this is cool to have but the general public would prefer to know if someone is wearing a wearable tech like that. Google Glass's design is deliberate.

Will Icis be able to address the privacy issue? Icis's indiegogo campaign has racked up over $13,340 of its $80,000 goal with 30 days remaining.

[Icis indiegogo, via CNET]