
This gun is special. It is a .22 caliber pistol that will only work when the user is wearing its accompanying RFID-enabled watch. Called Smart System iP1, it is made by German company Armatix.

The important bit of the gun is the watch—and it is sold separately—which is activated with a pin number and contains an RFID chip. The gun will only operate when it is near the watch. Its internal safety mechanism releases and it is able to fire. A small LED on the back of the gun will blink green to indicate it can be used, and red when it is locked.


Could this make gun control easier? "As soon as the gun loses radio contact with the watch—e.g. if it is knocked out of the shooter's hand or in case of loss, theft, etc.—it automatically deactivates itself," explains Armatix, which also offers a PIN-enabled case and other extras for the cautious gun owner.


[Washington Post; Kit Up!]