
Mitsubishi wants to develop a car that can predict what we want, where we want to go and what we want to do on the way based on past habits.

Dubbed the "Ultra-simple HMI (human-machine interface)", it aims to get you comfortably on the road and playing your favorite tunes in under 15 seconds. The HMI will also suggest settings for your navigation system, phone, climate control and audio visual equipment. All that settings will appear on a windshield mounted HUD.

The car is also smart enough to offer up an alternate route to your destination if you hit some unexpected traffic. For now. the Ultra-simple HMI only resides in an arcade-like prototype module located at Mitsubishi headquarters in Tokyo.

But by 2018, the automaker hopes to be implementing the tech not only in its cars but also licensing it to other automakers as well.

[Mitsubishi, via IEEE Spectrum]