No matter how hard you try and fight it, you too will unexpectedly catch yourself doing things that remind you of your mother. Things like...

You start asking the waiter to doggy bag everything. It doesn't even matter if those leftovers aren't even enough food for a satisfying meal the next day, you just can't stand to see it go to waste.

You actually enjoy doing chores. It's practically your Sunday afternoon ritual.

You catch yourself saying things like "This too shall pass." / "Put on a sweater, it's cold today." / "Your face is going to freeze like that" and so on...

You actually want to own a minivan. It's roomy AND the remote-control doors are kind of awesome. But don't kid yourself, the minivan will forever be a "mom's car".

You wear holiday sweaters (and not ironically).

You love to organize potlucks. You've gotten so good at it that you've started dreaming about planning them.

You're actually proud of your tourist knick-knacks/ kitchen utensils/ matching furniture/ Tupperware set, etc.

You're sick of social media. Just the thought of changing your Facebook account's privacy settings makes you feel out of your comfort zone. And don't get us started on things like Twitter, Instagram, or SnapChat.

You can cook anything in your CrockPot. And we mean ANYTHING!

Don't freak out if everything on this list applies already applies to you. We all turn into the women who brought us into the world, and perhaps this is just the universe's weird way of getting payback for putting mom through so much in the first place.