
It's sad to think that the stereotype of men being better at math than women still persists today. According to the latest data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), many girls around the world are still doubtful of their ability to do math.

The survey involved comparing countries all over the world on their track record of gender differences in various skills, degrees, work, and wages. Jordan, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are the only three countries in which boys are significantly less likely to feel comfortable working on math problems than girls are. In all of the other countries, the girls are more likely to say they feel "helpless" while performing a math problem.

Such findings provide an interesting cross section of opportunity, gender imbalance, and culture. Based on the results, the OECD had recommended battling against the stereotypes that allow girls to underestimate themselves in order to help close the gap as well as providing more education for girls in STEM fields.

[The Atlantic]