
Hard to believe, but it's been over 20 years since the premiere of '90s sci-fi hit "The X-Files".  To commemorate the show, stars Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny decided to appear on multiple magazine covers together. They also made appearance at Comic Con, which soon led to countless rumors of a possible romance between the two.

But now Anderson has finally decided to clear the air on all those rumors. During an appearance on HuffPost Live, the actress revealed:
"I think we know each other too well. I think we probably know each other better than we know our spouses at any time that we might have had spouses."
"There is an attraction... There might even be more than an attraction, but it's not going to happen. And it's that frisson that has made it interesting in the series and continues to make it interesting."
Guess this means that the Mulder-Scully romance will forever only be just a fantasy.