How much would you be willing to pay to own this little furry bundle of adorableness? How about 12 million yuan ($1.9 million)?


According to reports, a one-year-old golden-haired Tibetan mastiff was bought at that price during a "luxury pet" fair held in the eastern province of Zhejiang. The dog sold was 80 centimeters (31 inches) tall, and weighed 90 kilograms (nearly 200 pounds), though it is expected to grow much larger into adulthood.


The breeder named Zhang Gengyun claims that the exorbitant price has to do with the fact that the particular breed has "lion’s blood and are top-of-the-range mastiff studs."
"Pure Tibetan mastiffs are very rare, just like our nationally treasured pandas, so the prices are so high," Zhang said.
Owners say the mastiffs, descendants of dogs used for hunting by nomadic tribes in central Asia and Tibet, are fiercely loyal and protective.

[Daily Mail]