It's not easy for everyone to get over a broken heart, so Japanese company Brandear came up with this innovative service to help the broken-hearted get over an ex.

Enter the 'Heartbreak Box', a cardboard box that is specially designed for you to ship your former lover's belongings in. The kit also includes a Heartbreak Guidebook, tissues, and bubble wrap.

For every 'Heartbreak Box' the company receives, it will donate 100 yen (about RM3) to an NGO that supports pregnant women and couples in developing countries. Brandear will also conduct a formal appraisal of the items received and compensate you accordingly.

So if you've been jilted, this is a great way for you to get closure while earning a bit of money and doing some good at the same time.

All you have to do is follow these steps:

1. Order the 'Heartbreak Box'.


2. When you receive it, break the heart-shaped seal to open it.


3. Check that these items came with it:
  • The box
  • The Heartbreak Guidebook
  • Tissues
  • Bubble wrap
  • Guide to using the ‘Heartbreak Box’
  • Courier label for shipping

4. Put any of the items that remind you of your previous relationship into the box.


5. Say goodbye to your ex's belongings or gifts to you.


6. Receive monetary compensation and a bit of closure from your failed relationship.


7. Know that because of your 'Heartbreak Box', 100 yen is being donated to help pregnant women and couples in developing countries.
