Here's a look at the cover of the magazine's April 2014 issue. In the feature, Pharrell Williams chats with the magazine’s Zach Baron about everything from the Oscar snub, his Vivienne Westwood-designed hat, and even politics:
On the Oscar snub: Well, trust me: when they read the results, my face was…frozen. But then I thought about it, and I just decided just to…let it go.

On Hilary Clinton being the next president:
Let me tell you why Hillary’s going to win. Everywhere you go in this country, you have red and blue. You got the Democrats; you got the Republicans. You got the Bloods; you got the Crips. You know what else is red and blue? Blood. Blood is blue in your body until air hits it, and then it turns red. That means there’s unity. There’s gonna be unity. So when you think about a night where there’s late-night talk-show hosts and it’s mostly women, that’s a different world. Right? A world where 75 percent of the prime ministers and the presidents were women: that’s a different world. That’s gonna happen, and it’s gonna happen when Hillary wins. Because you know what? No matter how staunch of a supporter you are of no-abortion, whatever you are: you’re a woman, and there’s no way in the world you’re going to vote for somebody that’s going to try to tell you what to do with your body. Hillary’s gonna win. Listen, I’m reaching out to her right now. She’s gonna win.
 Read the full interview here.