
Here's something interesting: a middle schooler calculated that by switching the typeface used in government documents from Times New Roman to Garamond, it could save U.S. taxpayers $400 million in ink. I wonder if we could apply this to just about every other government around the world.

Suvir Mirchandani was inspired by an earlier project looking at how to save ink in teacher handouts. So he recorded how much ink was used for different fonts from Times New Roman, Century Gothic, Comic Sans and the winning Garamond.

He found that Garamond's thin strokes would save the school district some 24 percent in ink.

Then he decided to apply his results to a bigger scale: the U.S. government. As CNN reports, this is what he found.
Using the Government Services Administration's estimated annual cost of ink — $467 million—Suvir concluded that if the federal government used Garamond exclusively it could save nearly 30%—or $136 million per year. An additional $234 million could be saved annually if state governments also jumped on board, he reported.
Check out the whole report over here: [CNN]