
It took nine seasons to reveal 'The Mother' and yet, I can't help but feel slightly frustrated with the somewhat less than legendary ending.

The finale started out without much delay, in fact moving faster than any other himym episode. They fast forwarded to the future quickly enough in a not so himym fashion, taking us through the development of Ted and 'The Mother' whose name was finally revealed to be Tracy.

Marshall finally becomes a judge. He and Lily are having another baby and Barney and Robin's marriage only lasted three years. While they both assured they'd remain friends, they were surprisingly nonchalant about the split, considering all those heart string pulling moments Barney has done for Robin. I mean, how can you not swoon to kingdom come when a guy does something like this for you:

Or this:

We think this seriously qualifies as legendary compared to anything Ted has done for Robin.

Robin promised Lily that even though they've split, she would always meet up with 'the gang' for the big moments. In one scene, she attended but bailed on a party thrown in farewell celebration to the apartment where for the most part is where the story takes place. Robin couldn't stand seeing Barney hitting on other women and she laments about Ted being the one she should have married instead.

This felt like the creators decided to reset all the character development done for the past nine seasons. What was the point of spending 22 episodes showing how Barney and Robin's love grow only to kill it again at the very last episode? What was the point of Ted finally letting go, only to tell a love story more so about Robin to his kids than his wife. Was The Mother a rebound? We all felt that Ted and Robin didn't work together as a couple and she that she had more chemistry with Barney instead, so why bring that story back? Is this the season finale or is this season 1 all over again?

The best moment in the finale was with no doubt when Barney became a father, changing him completely into a different man. It was in that moment when he truly became a man, worthy of infinite high-fives. Still, it was a shame that they had to revert him back into a man-slut.

Rumors of 'The Mother' being dead turned out to be true. It was a rather emotional scene, confirming everything we've heard. After all, she has never once been mentioned in the present tense. We very much liked how she fitted in the whole story, and you can pretty much agree there wasn't anyone seen from the nine seasons so suitable for Ted.

The series ended with Ted's kids encouraging him to go after Robin once more, but instead of calling her, he goes out to greet her at her apartment with the blue French horn.

Was this the best ending for the show? Was all that fighting for love all for naught when it made one big round back to Ted and Robin? We're not so sure. Maybe I was hoping for Barney and Robin to reconcile.

And maybe I was hoping that instead of Ted going back to his forever-pining mode for Robin, that the series would have just ended in melancholy without an open-ended ending. After all, it did seem like Ted did get his happily ever after.

Goodbye himym. Thanks for nine seasons of entertainment.

Here's some fan sentiment after the finale aired. Our favorite tweet by far: "And that, kids, is how I met your Aunt Robin".