
Rejoice! If you hated the ending for How I Met Your Mother, then you'll be glad to know that there will be an official alternate ending to the series. After a week of fans having a collective meltdown, this may be the best news. The producers are taking note. Sort of:
Now it has been revealed that the show's co-creator and executive producer, Carter Bays, had an alternate ending planned, i.e. two scripts with two different endings, out of which only one was shot. "Few days ago today we were in the HIMYM edit room, trying to decide between two very different endings. We only shot one script, but through edit room magic we had two possible outcomes for the series," he said to Ace Showbiz.

"We chose the ending we chose and we stand by it. But we loved the other version too," he added. However, the alternate ending will not be shot and aired on television, rather will be featured in the special features section of the season nine DVD boxset when it is released.
Or in other words, more ways to make money after a series has ended via DVD box sets. [Contact Music]

Or we could just stick to this alternate ending: