
Being left-handed can be challenging, especially when the goddamn world seems to be made for right handed people. But what if we told you that a new survey found that your dominant hand may determine the quality of your sex life?

A recent 2014 Global Sex Survey which polled 10,000 consumers about their sex life found that 86% of lefties were “extremely satisfied” with their sex life, compared to a mere 15% of right handed people. The theory behind all this can be found below:
"...left-handers receive pleasure from the right-side of the brain, which is responsible for more artistic, creative and sensual thinking. Right-handers, on the other hand, experience pleasure through the linear, analytical and logical left side of the brain."
If you’re feeling little inadequate now for a being rightie, don’t worry. The survey was conducted by an intimate-products company 'LELO', and they're currently hawking sex toys meant to "enhance the sex lives of right handed people by letting them stimulate the opposite side of their brain".
