The worst part about moving (besides leaving fond memories behind), is packing up. You'll have loads to pack, and it's going to be oh-so tiring. These 11 hacks teach you how to strategically pack and organize your things so you can move in a jiffy.

1. Make your own moving box handles for an easier lift.


Use a blade or knife to cut out handles.

2. Use plastic wrap to easily pack up your hanging clothes


Group your hanging clothes in manageable sections, then wrap with plastic wrap.

3. Use Styrofoam plates as a spacer when packing your dinner plates


It's so much simpler than individually wrapping them in bubble wrap. But wrap them up in groups after with plastic wrap or bubble wrap to bolster the sides of the plates from chipping.

4. Use soft toys as padding in boxes


Keep fragile items from being crushed by using soft toys as padding.

5. Pack heavy items in a rolling suitcase for an easier move


You'll have an easier time transporting the books and heavy items, and won't have to worry about the boxes breaking.

6. Use color-coded tape to mark important boxes


Color-coded tape is much easier to spot than a marker pen scribbles.

7. Keep your cords organized during the move using toilet paper rolls


They'll stay untangled this way and will be easier to find when you're at your new place.

8. Roll your clothes up in your suitcase


Rolled clothes take up less space than folded clothes, so you can pack even more in your suitcase.

9. Take a picture of all your cords before you unplug your television


So you'll know where everything plugs into in your new home. It also saves plenty of time.

10. Use everything you can to pack


Why waste space packing items separately when they easily fit together?

11. Arrive at your new place before your stuff does


It's much easier to do a thorough cleaning of your new home when there's nothing in your way.