
All those sexy moaning and groaning may sound authentic, but it turns out, people are better at reading their sexual partners and their satisfaction. But that doesn't mean you should stop doing it.

A study conducted by the University of Waterloo in Ontario, interviewed 84 couples and were asked about their satisfaction with their relationship and sex lives. They participated in an exercise that gauged how well they could read each others' emotions. Partners could tell how much each other were satisfied.
"We found that, on average, both men and women have fairly accurate and unbiased perceptions of their partners' sexual satisfaction," study author Erin Fallis, a Ph.D. student at the University of Waterloo in Canada, said in a statement.
…"Specifically, being able to tell if their partners are sexually satisfied will help people decide whether to stick with a current routine, or try something new," Fallis said.
That's right. Even though your partner knows you're faking it, the power of a fake orgasm makes all things better. Do you agree?

Bonus video: Alyssa Milano's fake sex tape: