
Two of the Internet's most loved heart throbs now have their own coloring books. This is exactly what we need more of. A genius made coloring books dedicated to Benedict Cumberbatch and Ryan Gosling.

A website called "I Love Mel" is offering up the new books:
It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to deduce who's popular at the moment… One Benedict Cumberbatch, epicly named English actor, is the man of the moment. The slow trickle of long-awaited Sherlock series (three episodes at a time is just inhumane!) keep anticipation high for his most notable TV show, but he's been everything from nerds to dragons, period drama to futuristic Sci-Fi baddies on the big screen in recent years. Everyone and their mum loves him!

This colouring in activity book celebrates Mr Cumberbatch with a series of black and white drawings for you to colour in. All you need is some colour pencils, felt tip pens, good old crayons… or would watercolours suit this posh poster boy better?

Check it out:


As for Ryan Gosling fans, here's an example:
Hey Girl, If Baby-Goose hasn't melted your heart enough already, why not try colouring him in!

Better still, colour him in whilst watching The Notebook and drown in a river of tears and mush. Just try not to get too many snotty tissues on the artistic masterpiece you'll produce when you're done attacking this book with your colouring pencils!

This new colouring book is for the hard-core Ryan Gosling fan or someone who just needs to cheer up a bit after surviving The Notebook (maybe give them a few days just to avoid unnecessary trauma). It images of Ryan drawn by the talented Mel, using a variety of Ryans that we all know and love:
Featuring: Ryan in The Notebook, Ryan in Drive, Ryan in Crazy Stupid Love, Ryan in The Ides of March, Ryan with his dog George, Ryan in sunglasses, Ryan in regular glasses, Ryan winking, laughing, smiling...

[I Heart Me]