Who says grooming has to be a time-consuming process? Not only will the following grooming hacks make you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin, it will also make your life a little easier as well...

For glowing, clear skin, wash your face with baby oil

This method helps remove all dirt, dust, and make up that has settled on your skin throughout the day. After nourishing the skin with oil, gently wipe the excessive oil using a clean cloth dipped in hot water.

Instead of wasting time standing over a sink, try brushing your teeth whenever you take a shower

That way, you'll get used to cleaning BOTH your body and mouth at the same time.

Only groom your fingernails AFTER you take a shower or bath

Water softens nails,making it easier to clip or trim.

Leave shaving cream on skin for at least 5 minutes BEFORE shaving

This will help ready the pores and hair for shaving, leaving you with less bumps and irritation.

Out of shaving cream? Use conditioner instead

Both have contain moisturizing agents that can actually reduce redness and irritating after shaving .

Replace expensive dry shampoo with b
aby powder
Place small amount between your palms and rub it into your root.  Avoid applying too much as it can leave your hair looking grey.

Starbucks napkins and coffee filters are great for blotting oily skin
The secret has to do with the paper being made out of 100% recyclable content.