
There's a new political site that's been spreading like wildfire in Malaysia. 'BalikCina' (a derogatory comment that's often directed towards Chinese Malaysians) prides itself in collecting all of the "infamous quotes" that have been uttered by your favourite politicians. Things like...
"Do you think only humans have problems? Animals have problems. Cats have problems."

"Not all deaths in custody are our fault"

"Malaysian men have extramarital sex because of wives who neglect their responsibilities."

"If you can't afford to buy cake, make your own."

"When non-Muslims build big idols, it hurts people's feelings."

"The Malaysian education system is better than advanced nations."

"Malaysians should appreciate that Najib fielded a rare species like me in the elections."

"Money politics is not corruption ."

"Reducing sugar subsidies can prevent diabetes"

"I am a Malay first, Malaysian Second"

"There is no need to give any more warning. If we get the evidence, we shoot first."

"Those who renounce their citizenship will not be forgiven"

"Malaysians who are unhappy with the country’s political system should leave the country"

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. They're also looking to expand on their list, so be sure to submit your own favourite "beautiful quote" by clicking here.