
As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Leonardo DiCaprio could play Steve Jobs for director Danny Boyle in Aaron Sorkin's untitled movie about the Apple Computer co-founder. David Fincher was previously attached to direct the film, with rumors that he wanted Christian Bale to play Jobs.

But if DiCaprio gets the job, he'd probably do a better job compared to Ashton Kutcher. Here are some reasons why he could nail it:

1. He's got intensity

The Wolf of Wall Street may be slightly comedic, but you can't deny the crazy intensity Leo brought to the film. Here's our favorite scene:

Pretty damn intense right? Steve Jobs used to motivate people just with the sound of his voice. We don't doubt Leo will be able to do the same.

Less intensity but very captivating:

2. He's versatile

Put Leo in any role and he'll excel in it.

3. He hasn't won an Oscar yet, so no Oscar curse


Sure, no Oscar yet. But that's not stopping him from making more movies!

4. He doesn't look like Steve, which may be a good thing

Maybe looking too much like Steve Jobs made Kutcher's performance sub-par.  Jake Wilson for Sydney Morning Herald said Ashton Kutcher is way out of his depth – smirking nobly, shouting unconvincingly and overdoing the mannerisms – in this charmless biopic, while The Wrap said "It's a very rare thing for any actor to jump the line between comedy and drama, as there are very few that are convincing at both,” Exhibitor Relations vice-president and senior analysts Jeff Bock told TheWrap. "While Kutcher does have chops in both arenas, it was very doubtful that audiences would accept him in this role.”

Check out his wooden portrayal of Jobs in That 70's Show:

5. He's played other people before:

Leo's career is mostly made up of portraying actual people, and while he may not look the part, he definitely dives deep into each individual character.

Jay Gatsby:

Howard Hughes

So Romeo didn't quite exist. Nonetheless:

Playing a South African hustler. Check out that impressive accent: