
We are so reliant and tethered to our mobile devices these days, it is hardly imaginable to leave our homes without them. 24/7 connectivity can make it seem like our phones are part of our bodies. We need to put them down, STAT, at least for a while. Here are some reasons:

1. It is ruining our relationships

Has this ever happened to you: a friend or your loved one stopped paying attention to you because they rather check out what's happening on their phones? That's right. Join the club. It's time to put our phones down to save our relationships.

A study conducted by VitalSmarts found that while 90 percent of respondents agreed that people should not check their phones while in a social setting, they continue to do so anyway. Not putting your phone down will make it impossible for us to connect and devote our attention to the present moment. Just throw out intimacy already if you don't intend to change.

2. It is ruining sleep

How are you going to sleep when you keep getting interrupted by text messages and emails? A new study published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture found the act of looking at your phone and interacting with it ruined sleep quality. The more people text, the less sleep they got.

Instead, try setting it on silent. Or program your phone to ring at selected contacts in case they are important.

3. Your phone is making you more stupid

Did you know you are less likely to learn or recall material that you read on your phone, laptop or tablet? According to several recent scientific studies, the material or content that is presented to you digitally, rather than in a traditional paper book or magazine, is not going to be stored in your brain in the same way as the same material would be were it printed on paper.

The reason? Digital material gets read more quickly and casually. Of course, that will change in the time to come, but it doesn't hurt to know that this could be happening.

4. You might die in an accident because of it

You tell people not to text or talk while driving. You sneer at people capturing selfies while they drive or when they are stuck at traffic. But you do it too! You just increased your chance of dying on the road.

5. Be in the moment. Capture it after

Being Asian, I have a tendency of snapping just about everything I see without taking the time to stop, and enjoy the moment or experience. I've since come to realize that it is more important to be in the moment, rather than take shots of pictures I could easily find on the Internet. That's right: snapping a picture of your experience is not the same as experiencing it.

6. Slow down. Some things CAN wait

I get at least 25 emails after work until it is time for bed. Then I get an estimate of 10 more while I'm asleep. Do I really need to reply all of them then? Do you I want to sacrifice quality family time to reply emails? Unless they are urgent, of which if they are people would call you anyway, take a step back. Put your phone down, and reply it the next day.

7. FOMO and realizing your life sucks

News flash: your life sucks according to your Facebook News Feed. Your friends are out partying and motor-boating chicks at clubs while you are stuck at home, watching Big Bang Theory reruns. And this isn't just conjecture.

According to a recent scientific study, Facebook could be making you miserable. Or clinically depressed. Seeing other people have an awesome time will make you jealous! Yes, we don't know the whole story, or if they go home alone and lonely later, but that's not the point (though we want to think just that). Your life probably doesn't suck (that much anyway, and hopefully).

8. You need less media clutter in your life

Do you really need to see another UpWorthy social share of how this guy made you question your faith in humanity, or how this cute hamster stuffed his face with carrots? You probably want to and do, but these things don't just go away once they are posted. You can wait awhile before checking it out.

9. You might commit a social media faux pas

Some people say stupid things on social media. It's as if they didn't consult their brain before doing so. Be wary of what you say. It may come back to haunt you, the next minute!

It doesn't end there either. This short film here, illustrates how something like a relationship can fall apart just like that.

10. You can always take a selfie another day

That model you are taking a selfie of is going to be available tomorrow. Or the day after or next week. That model is you, dummy. And unless you've got some outrageous outfit on that you're only going to wear once and never again, put down your phone. Bask in the moment, first. Snap later! 

Bonus: Will it blend?