The internet is the perfect playground for creeps to troll around anonymously.  But what about those innocent people who are just being "unintentionally creepy"?

Since nobody likes to get lumped in with all the other real "cybercreeps", you can start by identifying and modifying certain online behaviors that are making you seem unintentionally creepy:

Calm the hell down
Being nervous is just like one giant self-perpetuating feedback loop that never ends. The more nervous you get, the more aware you become about the possibility of saying or doing the wrong thing, which in turn just makes you even more nervous. Take a deep breath.. then move on to the next tip.

Stop rushing
Try practicing slowing yourself down, both physically and mentally. The next time you respond to an email or message, take a moment or two for your words catch up with your brain. Not only will this make you appear more thoughtful, you'll be giving yourself more breathing room so you don’t accidentally blurt out something you'll regret.

Take responsibility for your actions
Other people aren’t obligated to tell you that you’re being creepy or to teach you how not to be a creeper. If you’re having problems with finding boundaries or reading emotions, then it’s up to you to learn how to correct the problem.

Apologize when you make a mistake

Fuck-ups happen, it's a part of life. You can do everything right and still end up falling flat on your face. But when you know you’ve done something wrong, just apologize. A simple and sincere apology is all it takes to diffuse the tension to get you out of the "creeper" zone. And remember to learn from your mistakes!