
Three simple words, yet those words can define so much in a relationship. Uttering them will either stall, break or potentially move things to another level. And here's what to expect when you feel ready to drop the dreaded 'L-Bomb'


At first, you’ll find yourself analyzing every tiny nuance of their behavior.  You’ll be on your guard all the time, secretly wishing for them to say it first. Your completely boggled mind will be bombarded with questions like "Should I say it first?", "If I do, will he / she say it back?" and "Does the other person feel the same way?"


You’ll lie awake in bed at night concocting all sorts of fantasy scenarios. You want it to be romantic, but also in a flippant way so that it won't trigger all sorts of tension in case things don't work out as planned.  This is a moment that you’re going to remember and recall fondly forever, so everything needs to be exactly perfect... or does it?


What if you just said what you feel when you felt like it? When did loving someone become dependent on how it happens or whether or not they love you the same way too? While it is terrifying to think about someone you love not loving you in return, if they are truly worthy of your love, they will at least respect or even be humbled by your gutsy proclamation.


With so many people in this world never having the opportunity to love or be loved, those three words will probably make the other person feel great about themselves. That's something you should definitely want the person you love to feel, right?


Remember, to love is to be vulnerable. It means letting your defenses down, and leaving your heart open. If this fear of being rejected is all that prevents you from declaring your emotions, then maybe what you really need is to check if those emotions are even real in the first place. Because if you really, truly love someone, just do so without expecting something in return.