
Everyone knows Seth Rogen doesn't think Justin Bieber is worthy of being compared to a decent human being. He now went on to explain to Howard Stern how deep and palpable his hatred of Bieber really is. Via Huffington Post:
“I’ve met him a few times. He’s a good example of someone who you meet who you think you are going to hate and then you get to hate him as much as you [thought] … You meet him and he lives up to every one of your expectations of how you hope he’ll be,” Rogen told Stern, adding that the first time he met Bieber was backstage at a German talk show, where Bieber specifically requested a meeting with the actor.

According to Rogen, once the two were introduced, Bieber made it seem like Rogen was the one who asked for the meeting to take place.

“What the fuck, I don’t want to meet you! Don’t act all nonplussed to meet me. I didn’t want to meet you. I was totally cool with not meeting you,” Rogen said he remembers thinking, adding, “I was like, ‘He’s a little bit of a motherfucker. Whatever. He’s a bit of a dick.”

But that wasn’t the last time Rogen would encounter his fellow Canadian performer.

“I saw him again at like an MTV awards show, he literally had a snake wrapped around his fucking wrist that he was wearing, like a live snake as an accouterment,” he explained. “I was like ‘What the fuck?’ I talked to him for like five minutes. I just remember thinking, ‘Fuck this kid.’ I remember thinking, ‘He’s a piece of shit.’”
All this was 2011 and before Justin Bieber became an even bigger dick. How much more does Seth Rogen hate Bieber now we wonder.