Chances are you've been to the gym before. Or have a membership. That's great! There's nothing better than to look good or great and lead a healthy lifestyle. What great positive choices you make! So how often do you go?

We've outlined the 13 type of gym goers below. Which one are you?

1. The one who feels fat and out of shape, but will only last for about 3 months.


After 12 minutes, I think I see 2 abs. Oh hell yeah.

2. The "6 times a year" guy.


I was here last month.

3. The one that never fails to say "I have a gym membership", but stops right there.


I am a member.

4. The one who claims to be "too busy with work" and doesn't have enough time to go.

Yup, I'm lazy.

5. The one who's bored of going, but does it to make their money's worth.

Only 18 more sessions to bring it down to 25 bucks a visit!

6. The one that only goes... in their minds.

Benching 300. 2500 reps, baby!

7. The one that only goes... for the free snacks and drinks.

Zero sum game.

8. The one... who would rather be at home on the couch instead.


Reach for remote. One rep. Change the channel. Two reps.

9. The show off.


I totally fit in here.

10. The "really-in-to-fitness" guy

Enthusiasm. That's my motto.

11. The guy who was inspired after watching "300"... 300 times


Yeah, this is Sparta, bitch.

12.  The one... who is only there to pick up chicks


Must pretend to work out...

13. The "fitness instructor", the only lucky bastard on this list that actually gets paid to go to the gym.
