What's in a name? Every name has a meaning, and most parents choose names that mean something significant to them, or stands for something brave or beautiful. But some parents pick out names that are so unique, they don't think twice about how other people would pronounce or spell it.

If you're the child of those parents, you'll know exactly how it feels to have a unique name. On the bright side, you'll probably only know of maybe one person who has the same name as you, or so you heard, from a friend of a friend of a friend. And you'll related to these situations below all too well:

1) You panic in any circumstance where your name might have to be announced

2) Any time you hear the teacher pause in roll call you immediately raise your hand so your name won't be butchered

3) You still have to deal with extended family members sending you birthday cards with your name misspelled

4) People still mess up your name on Facebook,, even though it's right in front of their faces

5) You're actually asked if you're a foreigner

6) You automatically follow up your name with how it's spelled.

7) You're constantly asked why your parents named you "that name"

8) 99% of your mail arrives with your name misspelled

9) You've had to redo/reapply/resubmit official documents because your name isn't spelled correctly

10) Yo make sure to always spell other people's names correctly and take it personally when they don't do the same

11) When a stranger pronounces your name correctly on the first try it makes your entire day

12) You've actually been questioned whether or not YOU misspelled your own name

13) Name tags give you anxiety


14) While wearing a name tag, people will still address you as "Hey you!"

15) You've given up on always correcting people, but make a note to misspell their name the next time you have an opportunity
