There comes a time in every adult's life when they'll start noticing how everyone they know is either getting married or busy having babies.

While making the decision to have a child is a momentous one, actually raising a child is way more challenging than you think.

So before you even decide about having a baby, you might want to read up on these harsh truths about what raising kids will really be like:

1. All your money and time is no longer purely yours

2. You better get used to changing lots and LOTS of diapers

3. If fact, you will soon be immune to stories about getting puked, peed and pooped on

4. You'll actually start to enjoy
conversations about parenting that used to seem so dull before

5. Painfully recounting every single detail of your kid's birth no longer fazes you

6. You look forward to trading nightmarish stories about holiday trips, birthday parties, PTA meetings, etc.

7. Running and cleaning up after your kids is the only form of exercise that you can slot in your busy schedule


8. Your sex life won't totally disappear, but it definitely won't be the same as before

9. Hope you don't mind looking exhausted all of the time

10. And say goodbye to sleeping in during the weekends

11. Instead of current topics, your brain will be crammed with all sorts of info about children’s books, toys and shows

13. And lastly, you will fight the urge to say all kinds of crap to people who think parents have it easy


The fact is that no matter how many books, parenting forums and articles you read, nothing can completely prepare you for becoming a parent until you ACTUALLY become a parent.

But despite all the shocking stuff on this list, none of them will really bother you in the long run.

And that's because one of the best things about being a parent is that it not only makes you stronger but also more forgiving about your own shortcomings. After all, parents are still human too.