For every celebrity who makes time to thank there fans, there are countless of others who are guilty of letting their fame boost their ego.

Some horror stories range from screaming at fans, refusing to talk to them, refusing to take a photograph with them, or worse! 

Here are the top 7 celebrities in Hollywood that fans will probably want to steer away from:

Gwyneth Paltrow
It's really no secret that Gwyneth is one of the most difficult actresses to work with in Hollywood, which mostly has to do with her rude, snobbish and just all around annoying behavior. And of course, there was that famous controversial statement that Gwyneth made concerning how working moms have it easier than her.

Britney Spears
There have been countless stories about Britney Spears being rude to her fans. Some of these allegations include screaming at an 8-year old, cancelling a gig because she thought the stage was too big, and refusing gifts from fans. leaving many to believe that there is some truth to them.

Jennifer Lopez

Jenny from the block apparently refuses to talk to waiters, hotel staff and sales people. Instead, she will only talk through her assistants. There was even a case where Lopez got a maid fired for asking for her autograph.

Christian Bale

In addition to abusing his own family and threatening people on set, Bale has also been rude to his fans. Harrison Cheung who once worked as his publicist claimed Bale was so mean to some of his fans that he actually made them cry.

Kim Kardashian

According to the rumors, Kim is rude to just about everyone once the cameras are turned off. Old voicemails and texts from Kim sent to ex-husband Kris Humphries allegedly feature Kim refering to her fans as ‘nobodies,’ ‘pathetic,’ ‘gullible,’ ‘stupid imbeciles’ and ‘boring little nobodies.’ She also no longer take pictures with fans or give out autographs.

Kanye West

Mr. Kardashian has been called out multiple times for being rude and arrogant and just all around unpleasant (even President Barack Obama once called him a jackass). In the past, Kanye has made headlines for attacking a photographer and an 18 year old girl. He also refuses to take pictures and give autographs to his fans. Guess it really is a good thing that one loves Kanye more than Kanye.

Justin Bieber

Bieber might seem all grown up now, but his childish antics and overall bad behavior are still making headlines. Countless reports involving Belieber abuse include spitting on his fans, calling one "a beached whale", refusing to sign his fans autographs and showing up late to his concerts.