Singer-songwriter and blogger Meghan Tonjes found one of her Instagram photos had been removed last week. The reason: it violated the company's "mature content" clause. That's baffling, especially if you compare them with what Rihanna usually posts.

A few weeks ago, Rihanna's Instagram account was suspended, with the apparent reason there was a technical issue. She came under fire before for sharing her spread in French Magazine Lui, where she was exposing her assets. She was forced to remove it because they violated the social media company's rules on nudity.

So how is Meghan's posts any more "violating" than Rihanna's? Here's the offending photo:

Meghan was pretty sure that this was the real reason her photo was removed:

Instagram eventually restored the photo and even sent her an apology. But enough of that. Check out some of Rihanna's usually less than appropriate posts, though they're great we admit.

This totally sends the "right" kind of message.

Take that, Miley! Two can twerk as good

Side boob alert.

Check out Meghan's response, breaking down the social politics behind the photo's removal:

And you wonder how is this fair considering there are some people who have made a living posting butt selfies. Here's the most famous butt on Instagram - Jen Selter:

Let's hope this passes off as exercise:

Instagram, please pay attention to my shoes! Kthxbai.

Yes, check out those really good and stretchy work-out pants!