It might be the 21st century, but there's still a vast majority of people out there who think that rape victims are totally at fault for whatever happens to them.

Instead of educating men on how coercing someone to have sex is wrong, many societal forces still insist that it's solely a woman's responsibility to protect herself by controlling what she wears and where she goes.

And then there are companies that use this as an opportunity promote "anti-rape" products that will supposedly guarantee a woman's safety.

Here are the top 11 most ridiculous products that we can't even believe were allowed to exist in the first place.

Anti-Pervert Hairy Stockings
According to one Sina Weibo blogger, these tights “...will not only prevent against perverts, it’ll definitely also result in preventing handsome guys from approaching you. When things go to the extreme, they can only go the opposite direction!!!”

Consent Panties
This is basically just a variety of panty styles with anti-rape messages screen-printed on top. But the product description is what that really takes the cake: “Sick of having to say ‘no’ with your tiny woman’s mouth every time a bloke pushes his luck? Don’t worry, these handy consent pants can do it for you!”

Anti-Rape Belt Buckle
A high school project cooked by two teenage girls in Sweden, this specially-designed buckle requires two hands to remove, which will supposedly make the act of rape impossible somehow? The buckles sold for $50.

“Guardian Angel” Anti-Rape Jewelry bracelet.png
Initially designed for a anti-rape campaign by ad agency JWT Singapore, the accessory can automatically trigger a call to a woman’s cell phone to provide convenient excuse to walk away from any unwanted attention. Holding down the button also helps send an emergency message to a friend with the victim’s exact GPS coordinates.

Anti-Rape Vending Machine Dress
Created by fashion designer Aya Tsukioka, this "anti-rape/mugging dress" allows the wearer to hide by transforming her into a fake vending machine.

Anti-Rape Whistle
Available on Etsy, here's the official product description: "It hangs from a 31-inch length of lovely vintage, solid brass cable chain with soldered links (for strength). I’ve also added flashy, vintage, solid brass beads and a high quality, vintage brass spring clasp, to make this a beautiful piece of jewelry, as well as your best buddy in that dark parking lot."

Anti-Rape Bra
Officially named the Society Harnessing Equipment (SHE), this underwear will deliver 3,800 kV to the attacked while also alerting police and parents to potential assaults.

FemDefence Tampon
This tampon contains a sharp pin at the tip which has a penetrating effect on the perpetrator's penis in the event of a rape. Luckily it's just a concept... for now.

Anti-Rape Wear
Designed by New York company called "AR Wear", even the euphemistic motto for the product sounds so wrong: “A clothing line offering wearable protection for when things go wrong.”

Anti-Molestation Jackets
Designed back in 2004 by two students at India’s National Institute of Fashion Technology, this button-activated jacket emits 110 volts of electricity to deter any unwanted advances.

The Snare

This belt-styled device is designed to ensnare before viciously mangling the attacker with two sharp prongs. Sounds super uncomfortable.