When you were in school, nerds were the ones who were style-challenged, awkward-looking, and usually wore spectacles. They're typically more intelligent than others, and seemed to have obsessions with one thing or other.

Now, we're seeing all kinds of nerds, and it's no longer uncool to be a nerd of some sort. In fact, the nerd look made a comeback with hipsters sporting thick-rimmed glasses (even when they have 20/20 vision), tucked-in flannel with pants, preppy cardigans, and so on. People aren't afraid to speak passionately about their obsessions too.

Could you be a nerd? Find out what kind of nerd you are:

1. Tech Nerd
Apple iOS 8? You love it. But you also love Androids. You love everything about technology. You want Google Glass, and you dream of buy a new OLED TV some day. You've wired up your home to your iPad, and you're up to date with new gadgets and technology.

2. Gamer Nerd
This is your life. You play with strangers online, and love engaging in battles. You speak of it as if it's happening in real life, and you're so worried that you will fail at your quest. Your TV deck has enough space for a Playstation, Xbox, Wii, Game Cube, Classic NES, and more. You also have games stocked in your computer, and on your mobile phone. You pretty much make sure you're surrounded by enough games to last you at least a season. Your social life is on the brink of extinction, because there are only so few hours in a day.

3. Movie Nerd
You know everything about every movie in every genre. You can recognize a director's style, and you compare their movies against each other. You are highly critical of every movie you watch, and you can tell if someone was going to get an award for their performance. You even know the scripwriters and song writers! Nobody dares to challenge your movie knowledge, because you make it a point to get all your facts in order. You also know which actor has been considered for an upcoming movie, and you somehow manage to watch all the new movie trailers before any of your friends do.

4. Music Nerd
You are a music snob, and you have a giant collection of a certain genre, if not all. You feel as if your ears have superior powers of picking up the best tunes, beats, and melody. You KNOW what decimals mean in music terms. You also know the history of music in general, guitar greats, world's best bands, indie musicians, and so much more that you know a lot of your friends really don't give a shit about because they're busy listening to Katy Perry and Rihanna.

5. Book Nerd
Literature is your thing. You've always loved it since you were a child, and you know all the well-known novels, as well as other books nobody else loves. You think Fifty Shades of Grey is rubbish, and Eat Pray Love put you to sleep in the first chapter. You probably love Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, and you also enjoyed reading encyclopedias in your younger age. You have an extensive collection of books, and because you love them, you don't rent books. They're like your personal accomplishments on display in your bookshelf at home. E-books? Not the same experience.

6. Science Nerd

You're a whizz that can school everybody else at the facts of life. You have an explanation to why everything is the way it is, and you ruin everybody's fun when they tell a joke by throwing in your usual "That's not possible," line before elaborating why. Everything around you just makes sense, and you cannot tolerate illogical thinking. Your brain is pretty amazing, but you're kind of a social retard.

7. Comics and Cartoons Nerd
The range is wide here. There are comic geeks who collect every comic they follow, and know the whole Marvel story (don't watch a Marvel movie with these guys because they might slip you the ending). Your Disneyland is Comic Con. You're obsessed with figurines and books related to your favorite comics, and love to dress in your favorite comic character whenever possible. Cartoon nerds are similar, except your Disneyland is Disneyland, and you know the lyrics to every cartoon song you've obsessed about.

8. History Nerd
You can totally outdate anyone in this department. You have studied wars and treaties, and you love reading about the rise and fall of different empires. You understand politics even though you might not dabble in it. You love seeing how great things were made, and you seem to bore everyone when you start talking passionately about history. You probably say "did you know.." a lot.

9. Sci-Fi Nerd

Star Wars, Star Trek, Aliens, X-Files, you name it. However, you're probably loyal to one franchise more than anything. You totally geek out at posters, books, figurines, quotes, movie collections and so on. You've named everyone in your circle of friends after characters in your sci-fi choice of book or movie, and it's likely that your friends, too, are sci-fi nerds. You even know the lingo and jargon, and talk about these fictional habitats as if you really exist there.
10. Political Nerd

Clearly, you love keeping up with the political times. You know everything about it and you secretly want to become President or Prime Minister. Because if you were, the country would be so much better off, and you'll make the world a better place. You rant nearly every day about the political situation in your country, and you troll your Facebook for people who are saying the opposite of your thoughts. You're technically really annoying, yet people agree with you. You're most likely a lawyer.

11. Word Nerd
You love words. You're a grammar geek, and you love reading, even though you're not a book nerd. You love puns, rhymes, and you giggle when someone makes a grammatical error.

12. Sports Nerd
Even if you don't actually play a sport, you know every score and you've memorized the minute statistics. When your favorite team loses, it affects your mood so badly that people would think your grandmother just died. You LOVE watching the game with your boys, and your girlfriend or wife is seriously #2 in your life.