
Anyone who has ever interacted with other members of the human species is probably familiar with the 'humblebragger.' These special individuals are skilled in the art of "subtly letting others now about how fantastic their life is, while undercutting it with a bit of self-effacing humor or "woe is me" gloss."

False modesty has always been around, but it is the prevalence of social media that has truly allowed these individuals with an outlet to not only flaunt their faux humility, but also breed an entirely new breed of sophisticated humblebraggers. Some Facebook users are even considering quitting social media altogether just to escape from these lowly cretans.

So how should one approach when face with such false modesty? Since real life doesn't give you the option of unfollowing their newsfeed or unfriending the culprit, you could either call them out on it or counter all that humblebragging by serving up any of these 'Humbleinsults' below:

The Humblebrag: Cleaned out the closet and going to Goodwill.  This diet is killing me!
The Humbleinsult: Be careful, cleaning out the refrigerator is how you ended up wearing all those XXXL sizes in the first place!

The Humblebrag:  Please pray for me.  I can’t decide between the blue or a gold Lexus.
The Humbleinsult: I'm pretty sure the gods have other better things to do than to help you with your dilemma.

The Humblebrag:  Hanging with friends at the World Cup finals, but the food served in the VIP sectioin is terrible!
The Humbleinsult: Maybe you can try skipping it once in awhile, because your jersey is looking a little tight around the waist. Enjoy the game, though!

The Humblebrag:  Uggggh just ate about fifteen pieces of chocolate gotta learn to control myself when flying first class or they’ll cancel my modelling contract LOL.
The Humbleinsult: Isn't it sad to think that there are still people out there whose entire value as a human being is solely determined by the way they look?

The Humblebrag:  Just filed my taxes. Biggie was right, mo' money mo' problems.
The Humbleinsult: We're pretty sure that when he was writing the song, he wasn't being inspired by you.

The Humblebrag:  I hate buying new clothes when I have so many amazing ones in my closet but my pants situation can't be ignored. They are too big!
The Humbleinsult: I hope you find your perfect pair of overpriced pants, and that they slowly cut off the circulation in your nether regions.

The Humblebrag:  Because I have a pretty face does not mean I'm destined to be an ornament my whole life. I want more than that.
The Humbleinsult: Maybe you would be taken more seriously if you stopped complaining about your perfect life on Twitter?